Lunch Time Vitality

Weekly online down-to-earth practices that are done standing or sometimes sitting (on a chair). Mindful stretching and movements that help release tension and make you composed and energised. Sinking your mind and breath into your body optimises circulation and makes your brain awake and clear.

This physical and mental training does not require any flexibility nor athletic abilities. Sports clothes are not required and you may not even sweat at all. The challenge lies in really bringing our attention into your body, increasing personal power and sustainable wellbeing.


• Building vitality and wellbeing
• Clarity of mind (calm and overview)
• Releasing tension
• Developing physical and mental resilience
• Strengthening the connection with your body (and needs)


• Personal development
• Personal leadership
• Vitality
• Mindfulness
• Stress management
• Mental, emotional and physical resilience
• Efficiency
• Taiji and Qigong


  • Online training via Zoom. (No account is required)
    Participants will continue to have access to past classes on Youtube for a month.
  • Open registration for eligible staff.
  • Weekly 15-45 minutes classes at lunchtime (or as is best suited otherwise).
  • Optional 15 minutes personal question time.
  • No experience is needed.


  • Weekly online Zoom class of 15-45 minutes.
  • Optional adjacent 15 minutes time for participants to ask personal questions regarding their health, wellbeing and the training.
  • Video registrations will be available on Youtube for up to one month after each class, exclusively for those registered.
  • Contribution = €1200/month – up to 100 participants (€3 per person per class).